S odkazy k Shakespearovu dílu se setkáváme velice často – mnohdy si to ani neuvědomujeme a jen občas známe alespoň základní souvislosti. Profesor Martin Hilský a jeho hosté pro vás tentokrát vybrali slavné monology.

prof. PhDr. Martin Hilský, CSc.
Martin Hilský is a professor of English literature at Charles University in Prague and a translator. He is one of the most prominent translators of Shakespeare´s plays and poems into Czech.
He is a recipient of a number of prestigious awards (Jungmann Prize, Tom Stoppard Prize, an MBE (An Honorary Member of the British Empire) by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II., State Award for Translation, the President´s Medal of Merit (both 2012), Česká hlava (2015).